AssetWise Inspections

Edit Recurring Inspection

To edit a recurring inspection for the selected assets, click the "Edit Recurring Inspection" option from the Manage dropdown button.

Note: Only assets that currently have a recurring inspection scheduled will be included. Selected assets that do not already have a recurring inspection scheduled will simply be left out.


Edit the Frequency textbox to adjust the length of time (in months) between recurring inspections for the selected assets.

Update Due Date

If checked, the Update Due Date checkbox indicates that the current due date for the selected assets will be adjusted based on the new frequency.

Update Scheduled Date

If checked, the Update Scheduled Date checkbox indicates that the current scheduled date for the selected assets will be adjusted based on the new frequency.


Click the Save button to accept the edits made to the recurring inspections. Click the Cancel button to cancel the edits made to the recurring inspections. Click the Delete button to delete the schedule for the recurring inspections.